Formation Deep Dives

Monday, September 27, 2021, 1:09 PM
Formation Deep Dives are back for 2023-24!
We will still meet on Mondays at 12 noon, but instead of monthly, we will be meeting quarterly. During these hour-long sessions, youth workers and Christian formation educators gather over zoom to discuss a specific topic in-depth. Prior topics include intergenerational worship, covid-safe event planning, technology and the post-pandemic church, seasonal educational idea sharing, self-care, General Convention, and more.
1st Dive Monday November 13 at noon:
Lisa Kimball will discuss Baptized for Life.
What does it really mean to be Baptized for Life especially at a time in the United States when religious affiliation in general, and Christian church attendance in particular, are at historically low levels? What did we (Virginia Seminary) learn about forming baptized lives of meaning and purpose by accompanying 17 diverse congregations for five years? Come hear hopeful news and join a conversation that really matters.
Baptized for Life focused on catechumenal basics: Lectionary + Liturgy + Life. Baptized for Life (BFL) assumed that confident Christian vocations are formed around scripture, community, and the sacraments for the purpose of living faithfully in the world (vocation) every day.
Please contact Joanne Fisher or Kate Riley if you would like to join the meeting - all are welcome.
Click below to join: