Coordinator: Open
National Altar Guild Association
Coordinator: The Rev. Dr. Ted Christopher (CPA), Chaplain at Penn State University
Province III Campus & Young Adult Leaders Facebook group.
Christian Formation and Youth Ministry
Coordinator: Ms. Joanne Fisher (Easton)
Co-Coordinator: Ms. Kate Riley (MD)
Province III Christian Formation Network Facebook page
Coordinator: The Rev. John P. Downey (PA)
The College for Congregational Development
Director: The Rev. Canon Kristin Krantz (MD)
Coordinator: Dr. Renee Escoffery-Torres ()
National ECW - Province III page
Coordinator: Mr. Steven Jones (DE)
Coordinator: Open
Opioid Response task force of Province III of the Episcopal Church Facebook page
See also: The Episcopal Health Ministries Facebook Page
Racial Justice, Reconciliation, and Anti-Racism
Coordinators: The Reverend Chris McCloud (Maryland) and the Reverend David Wacaster (Washington)
Anti-Racism Ministry Leaders of Province III Facebook Group
Coordinator: Ms. Mathy Milling Downing (EDOW)
United Thank Offering website
Christian Formation & Youth Ministry

The Formation Ministry Department of Province III strives to support Christian Formation efforts by expanding our NETWORK across Dioceses and by providing greater access to FORMATION opportunities (particularly those that may be out of reach due to pricing, resources, or critical mass).
Current Annual Events / Responsibilities of the P3 Formation Team as of June 2024
- January…
Ecumenical Affairs

The Very Rev. Dr. John P. Downey, Province 3 Ecumenical Coordinator
"Real, but imperfect communion," is the concept from Vatican 2 that helpfully expresses the relationship among Christian communions which are not in full unity. Based on the "communion ecclesiology" (koinonia) which informs the ecumenical movement, it recognizes that the fundamental communion among divided Christi…
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Summer and Fall 2023 Happenings!
Recent Events:
July 9-12 It's About Love, A Jesus Movement Revival Baltimore, MD
What a wonderful event! There were people from all nine provinces of the Episcopal Church present. Even though Bishop Curry was not well, he still spoke at the opening service. We need to keep him in our prayers as he continues to regain his health. UTO was well r…
The College for Congregational Development

The College for Congregational Development is a comprehensive training program that seeks to nurture and develop lay and clergy leadership by drawing on congregational and organization development theory and practice. We focus on developing healthy, responsive leadership, facilitation skills, and teamwork through understanding of Anglican/Episcopal ethos, culture, spirituality, a…
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