National Book Fund Grants available
Grants through the Church Periodical Club for “written materials of all types (such as books, magazines, e-books, computer software) are seeking applications now. The deadline to apply is March 1. The specific materials are determined and purchased by the recipients. Materials may be religious or secular but must be used within the mission of the Church." If your church or ministry within The Episcopal Church has a line item for written materials or computer software, this grant would be worth considering.
NATIONAL BOOKS FUND GRANT GUIDELINES Church Periodical Club (revised 02/22)
For more than 120 years, the Church Periodical Club has participated in the Church’s mission to spread the Gospel by providing grants for written materials. This Ministry of the Written Word is done by awarding grants through the National Books Fund and Miles of Pennies (designed exclusively for children’s needs).
What is granted?
Grants are made for written materials of all types (such as books, magazines, e-books, computer software). The specific materials are determined and purchased by the recipients. Materials may be religious or secular but must be used within the mission of the Church.
Grants are not given for equipment (such as projectors, computers, shelves), operating expenses (such as postage and stationery) or for the production of material (such as translations or printing).
There will be a limit of one grant per purpose, except for domestic and overseas seminaries. Seminarian grants will be given through seminaries, both domestic and overseas.
Who is eligible?
Any organization or individual whose work is affiliated with the Anglican Communion may apply. Organizations may be eligible if the Anglican or Episcopal bishop in the appropriate area endorses the request and shows its relationship to the priorities of that diocese. The need for materials to carry out the mission of the Church must be established for all requests and there must be financial need.
What is the application deadline?
Applications must be received by March 1 each year. They must be complete and signed by a bishop of the diocese applying for the grant.
How do I apply?
Obtain and complete a grant application form. Forms are available at CPC’s website or at:a
Church Periodical Club
ATTN: NBF Grant Request
320 S 3rd Ave. #903
Sioux Falls, SD 57104
Telephone: (605) 359-2880
The form for an NBF grant must be completed by the applicant or submitter, signed by the diocesan bishop, suffragan or bishop co-adjutor , and returned to the above address. Overseas applications must attach a completed banking addendum . NBF grant applications must be received by March 1st.
When will I know if I’ve received a grant?
NBF grants are awarded one time each year – at the annual Board Meeting or at the Triennial Meeting. Recipients will receive a letter shortly after the granting.
What will I receive?
Checks are mailed or money is electronically transferred to bank accounts. Recipients are asked to choose method of payment if in the United States. Overseas recipients will only receive money by electronic bank wire and must complete the CPC Grant Addendum (which states that the money must be sent to an agency such as diocese, school, library, etc. – money will not be sent to an individual).