Province III United Thank Offering

Summer and Fall 2023 Happenings!
Recent Events:
July 9-12 It's About Love, A Jesus Movement Revival Baltimore, MD
What a wonderful event! There were people from all nine provinces of the Episcopal Church present. Even though Bishop Curry was not well, he still spoke at the opening service. We need to keep him in our prayers as he continues to regain his health. UTO was well represented by board members hailing from Maine, Massachusetts, Maryland, Colorado, New Mexico, and New Jersey. It was a pleasure to share the many blessings and gratitude that UTO provides through grants both nationally and abroad, all for worthy causes to help those less fortunate than ourselves. I am still continuing to receive correspondence from all over the United States from people were present. I am grateful for the opportunity to share the many blessings that UTO provides.
July 16th UTO Sunday at St. John's Episcopal Church Olney, MD
This recognition gave people a chance to learn more about gratitude and the joy of being thankful for all that we have. Blessings can be in the form of prayer or contributions. ALL money collected, 100% is given out in the form of intentional and beneficial grants. For the next three years the theme of giving is based on Matthew 25:36, in the spirit of giving to those in need. As a parish, we raised just under $800. I am happy to advise and share activities and ideas about hosting UTO Sunday at other churches.
July 21-23 Province III Annual Episcopal Church Women Meeting The Roslyn Center in Richmond, VA
I was one of the speakers at this wonderful event, which brought together women from numerous parishes in our province, hailing from all of the states in our regions, as well as the District of Columbia. The spirit was truly present at this gathering.
Looking Forward:
I have been selected to serve on the UTO Grants Committee for the next three years. I highly recommend that churches consider applying for grants that focus on serving the needy. This outreach truly reflects the purpose of the next grant cycle and could increase the ability to serve the less fortunate on a grander scale. I am hosting a webinar on the grants process and will be specifically addressing the Bishop's Form. All of the webinars related to the grant process have been posted on the UTO website.
October 8th Annual Episcopal Church Women Meeting Dover, Del
Following the interest in UTO at the Annual Province III Episcopal Women's Retreat, I have been asked to be a keynote speaker at the Diocese of Delaware's Annual ECW meeting to discuss the importance of UTO and its many accomplishments in providing beneficial grants in thanks of our gratitude and many blessings received.
October 21 Annual UTO Celebration with Provinces II and III Long Beach Island, NJ
I will be hosting this special celebration with the Reverend Caroline Carson, rector of Holy Innocents Episcopal Church and Province II representative, at her parish on Long Beach Island, NJ.
Reported by Mathy Milling Downing